Experts Forecast What’s Ahead for Getting Back On-Site

3 min readApr 30, 2020

Looking to the future, what’s in store for employees once companies are able to safely welcome everyone back on-site?

In this video interview, The InSource Group’s Brett Schaefer speaks with a trio of career experts from across the Dallas-Fort Worth area — Karen King, Vice President of Talent Management at projekt202; Karon Brown, SVP, Product Management at Voyager Sopris Learning; and Michael Morrell, Director of Internal Systems Operations at ECI Software Solutions — about our ever-evolving work environments.

The panelists answer questions such as:

  • What will it be like getting back to the office?
  • How are you going to reintegrate your staff once they return?
  • What do you think the new work model is going to look like upon the return?


projekt202’s Karen King provides additional insights on the road ahead for employees and employers:

Karen King

What productive coping strategies do you recommend for anyone working remotely during this time?

This can vary by individual, but what I found works for me are the following:

  1. Keep your routine. Prior to shelter-in-place, I started my day with a run and usually was at work by 7:30/8:00 a.m. I have been maintaining that schedule as I work from home.
  2. Take breaks. For me, I have taken my breaks outside on my patio. The sunshine and fresh air instantly improve my mood. Throw some music in there and I am always re-energized. Find what works for you.
  3. Set boundaries. It can be tempting to keep working throughout the evening and on the weekends. However, I encourage you to limit that where possible and find an “end” to your work day and work week.

There’s a renewed focus on working remotely, but this isn’t a new concept for projekt202. How has projekt202 led the way in remote teamwork and building teams that can deliver for clients, from any location or time zone?

The projekt202 team members embrace collaboration not only with each other but with our client teams. Often, we are not with our clients every day of the week, so working with others across time zones is something we have already proven can work. projekt202 allowed flexible work prior to COVID-19 and had the tools in place to ensure productivity stayed high. While we miss seeing our team in person, we are continuing to leverage these tools and collaborative mindset to deliver experience-driven transformations for our clients.

An April 2020 report by Jobvite found that 80% of recruiters increasingly use video for interviews and 61% use video when screening candidates. How is projekt202 handling candidate interviews, given current considerations for stay-at-home and social distancing?

We are continuing with our recruiter and craft phone screens as we did previously. However, we are using videoconferencing to replace our interviews that would have taken place in person, in the office.

What three tips would you suggest to candidates in order to have a successful video interview?

  1. Do the things you would have done for an interview under normal circumstances, such as dressing appropriately, doing research and preparing questions.
  2. Find a quiet place to take the call so you can focus on the interview and be free from distractions.
  3. Make sure you log-in to the videoconferencing tool a few minutes early to ensure everything is working properly.

More tips on how to ace an online interview




projekt202 is the leader in applying experience strategy and observational insights to the design and development of mobile, cloud, web and workplace software.